A Place for Students to Grow and Connect with Others

CF Students is a place where teenagers can understand how their faith intersects with the daily challenges they face every day. At each gathering, they’ll experience fun games, engaging worship, practical teaching that addresses real issues, and small groups where they can dig deeper into important topics with trusted adults and peers.

What about Sunday Mornings?

Middle Schoolers gather on Sunday mornings for a time of fellowship and study.

What about the high schoolers? We want to give our high school students the chance to be a part of the rest of the church. With Sunday mornings free, you can serve in other areas and worship with your family. You could be a greeter, hang out with preschoolers in Promiseland, or serve on our tech. team in the services!

Times & Locations

Sunday Mornings (Middle School) | 11:15 AM | The Attic

Wednesday Nights | 6:30-8:30 pm | Worship East


Upcoming Events