Giving: Week 3 | Day 5


Day 5

Bruce Miller, author

This week, we are reprinting Chapter 3 of  Bruce Miller’s book, Giving: Three Questions. We’ve been answering the question, “How much should you give?” Today, let’s reflect on what we’ve learned and think about how we’ll apply God’s Word to our lives.


We have one simple question in this chapter: How much should I give? It turns out that as we grow spiritually, and realize how much God has given to us and how much joy we find in giving, the question changes from how much should I give to how much can I give? Biblically, generous giving is 3P Giving: Planned, Proportionate and Progressive. We plan our giving in proportion to what we have been given as we progress in greater and greater generosity.

Here’s the bottom line:

Why do we give?

To create joy. Remember the three smiles.

To whom should we give?

Remember the three recipients: your church family, those in need and global workers.

How much do we give?

Remember the 3Ps of giving, Planned, Proportionate and Progressive.

Your generous giving responds to God’s prior and overwhelming generosity to us. God gave the greatest gift, his one and only Son through whom we receive eternal life by trusting in him.

If you have never trusted in Jesus Christ, that’s the most important step you could take. God wants to give you eternal life, forgiveness for all your sins. He offers them to us in Jesus Christ. You receive his gift of salvation by placing faith in Jesus.

Then your giving imitates God. Giving brings you joy as you bring others joy and, most importantly, brings God joy. That’s the generosity effect, a cascade of smiles, a joy chain reaction.

May you excel in the grace of giving creating a massive wave of joy!

Move to Action

If you haven’t done so already, take some time to review your finances (with your spouse if you’re married). Write down the amount of your giving over the last year, or few months. Then write down your income over that same period of time. Calculate the percentage of your income that you give. Be specific about what percentage you give to your local church, and what percent you give to everything else.

Is your giving planned? Proportionate? Are you progressing in the act of giving?

Consider taking the “Malachai Challenge.” See Malacahi 3:10-12. Give your tithe (10% of your income) to God through your local church for 90 days and see if you experience divine blessings.

What are your biggest takeaways from this series? As you picture your future spiritual growth as a disciple of Jesus, how would like to grow in the grace of giving?